GMO Defined

GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism. Other names for the process include Genetic Engineering (GE) or Genetic Modification (GM), which are one and the same.

How is a GMO Different from Hybridization / Cross-Breeding?

Genetic modification is the process of forcing genes from one species into another entirely unrelated species. Unlike cross breeding or hybridization—both of which involve two related species and have been done without ill effects for centuries—genetic engineering forcefully breaches the naturally-occuring barriers between species.

Example:  Corn + DNA from soil bacteria that is naturally immune to RoundUp herbicide + e.coli bacteria + soil bacteria that causes tumors in plants (which enables the plant’s cell wall to be breached) = RoundUp Ready Corn (one of several RoundUp Ready crops engineered by Monsanto).

Other examples of GMOs include strawberries and tomatoes injected with fish genes to protect the fruit from freezing, goats injected with spider genes to produce milk with proteins stronger than kevlar for use in industrial products, salmon that are genetically engineered with a growth hormone that allow them to keep growing larger, dairy cows injected with the genetically engineered hormone rBGH (also known as rBST) to increase milk production, and rice injected with human genes to produce pharmaceuticals.

How are Crops Genetically Modified?

Foreign DNA is inserted into the primary plant species using one of three methods:

  1. E.coli bacteria is combined with a soil bacteria that causes tumors that allows the foreign bacteria to breach the host plant’s cells.
  2. Electricity is applied to the host plant to rupture its cell walls, thus allowing the foreign DNA to invade; or
  3. A “gene gun” blasts the engineered DNA directly into the plant’s cells.

For a more visual explanation, watch this video (the process graphics begin at the 2.20 minute mark).

Because the injected genes can come from bacteria, viruses, insects, animals or even humans, GMOs are also known as “transgenic” organisms. Because genes operate in a complex network in ways that are still not fully understood (as discovered during the Human Genome Research Project), genetic engineering can result in both known and unknown / unintended consequences.

What is the Intended Outcome of Genetic Modification?

The websites and marketing materials of the companies that are conducting genetic modification would have you believe that GMOs will feed the world’s ever growing, hungry population—with greater crop yields, more drought resistance, increased nutrition, and other worthy-sounding benefits.

However after nearly two decades of development, none of these traits have come to market. View a list of the top ten genetically modified crops and see which genetically engineered traits are most predominant.


Instead, nearly 100% of genetic modification is devoted to the increased use of herbicides and pesticides, which these “ag-bio” corporations also develop and sell. The majority of their research and development has been focused on genetically altering plants to do one of two things:

  1. To produce their own internal pesticide to kill or deter insects; and
  2. To remain alive when repeatedly sprayed with weedkillers that are manufactured by these same corporations, including glyphosate (aka RoundUp), glufosinate, and 2-4,D (one of the primary ingredients of Agent Orange).

Some crops are genetically engineered with both herbicide-resistant traits; soy was recently genetically engineered to withstand all three.

So what’s the real motive? Profit.

Genetically modified seeds can be patented as intellectual property, which enables GMOs to be owned, sold, controlled, and legally protected by a corporation, giving these corporations ultimate power over food. No surprise these corporations have focused on genetically modifying corn and soy, since these two products are used in almost 90% of processed food for humans, and in 100% of the grain fed to (non-organic) animals raised for meat.

Why is our food being made and modified
by the world’s largest pesticide manufacturer?

What Corporations Manufacture GMOs?

The #1 company developing GMO plants and controlling the largest market share of GMO crops in the world is the same company selling the weedkiller called RoundUp: Monsanto.

GMOs are the latest innovation in Monsanto’s long line-up of questionable products, including Agent Orange, PCBs, DDT, Dioxin, Aspartame, Saccharain, rBGH / rBST, and Terminator Seeds that grow for only one season, forcing farmers to buy their genetically modified seeds each year instead of saving seeds from the prior harvest as they have done for centuries.

No wonder Monsanto re-branded themselves from a “chemical” company to a “bio-agricultural” company back in 1997 (with the new tag line “imagine”)– GMOs, and the weedkillers they are engineered to withstand, are an extraordinarily profitable loop!

Other companies in the “Big Six” include Pioneer Hi-Bred International (a subsidiary of DuPont), Syngenta AGDow Agrosciences (a subsidiary of Dow Chemical, BASF (which is primarily a chemical company that is rapidly expanding their biotechnology division, and Bayer Cropscience (a subsidiary of Bayer).

Read a report about the ‘Big Six’ here >
View a complete list of companies doing genetic engineering on this website >

Countries require GMO labeling

Where are GMOs found?

Although the list is changing all the time, GMOs are currently labeled, extremely restricted, or banned in 64 countries, including the entire European Union (United Kingdom, Norway, Luxembourg, Austria, Germany, France, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, and Ireland).

They are also banned in Australia (but that’s shifting now due to pressure from NuFarm/Monsanto, and the Aussies are not happy) and New Zealand.

Elsewhere in the world, GMOs are similarly restricted or banned in Saudi Arabia, Syria, Algeria, Poland, Brazil, Paraguay, Peru, China, Japan, Thailand, the Philippines, Fiji, Sri Lanka, American Samoa, Cook Islands, Kiribati, Federated States of Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.

In Canada the debate is still underway: as far back as 1998, scientists employed by Health Canada who were concerned about human health impacts complained that they were being pressured to approve the GMO milk hormone, which is injected into cows to increase milk supply. They testified that the drug maker, Monsanto, offered them a bribe of over $1 million to approve it. They also reported that their research study documents were stolen from a locked file cabinet in a government office.

In response, a Monsanto official went on Canadian national television saying that the scientists had “misunderstood an offer for research money.”

Protest March Monsanto
March Against Monsanto in San Diego, California, May 2013

Here in the United States (where several of our largest corporations have a vested financial interest in GMOs), the proliferation of misinformation has resulted in very little progress: Maryland has banned genetically engineered fish; North Dakota and Montana filed bans on genetically engineered wheat; Burlington, Vermont declared a moratorium on genetically engineered food; Boulder, Colorado banned genetically engineered crops; and GM crops have been banned in the California counties of Mendocino, Trinity and Marin, the big island of Hawaii, and the San Juan county of Washington state.

As of 2013, after the FDA denied more than 1 million signatures in a national petition to label GMOs, more than two dozen states began working on state-wide labeling measures, including Maine, Connecticut and Vermont.

Label GMO labeling tag awareness education

But state efforts have not come without a price: Monsanto sued Vermont and Connecticut’s GMO labeling measures into silence for over a year, and with donations from multiple large U.S. food manufacturers who rely on genetically engineered corn and soy, nearly $70 million was spent to confuse voters in California and Washington state into (narrowly) defeating GMO labeling propositions.

Even if some states are successful down the road, there’s no guarantee that their efforts will be upheld: the U.S. Senate recently decided that it does not want to give states the authority to tell people if they are eating genetically modified food—with a vote of 71 against 27.

What Foods Contain GMOs?

As of 2014, the USDA reports the following percent of all crops grown in the U.S. are  genetically modified:

• Soybeans – 94% (up from 93% in 2013)
• Corn – 93% (up from 90% in 2013) *see note
• Cotton – 96% (up from 90% in 2013)
• Sugar Beets – 90% as of 2013 (2014 data not yet reported)

The following represent percentages from 2012, as no current data can be found on the USDA site:

• Canola – 88%
• Hawaiian papaya – more than 50%
• Zucchini and Yellow Squash – small %
• Quest brand tobacco – 100%
• Alfalfa (recently approved by the FDA; widely fed to animals to produce meat and milk)
• Kentucky Bluegrass (recently approved by the FDA; even more widely fed to animals to produce meat and milk; already an invasive grass in its natural state, it will spread even more uncontrollably with genetically engineered resistance to RoundUp)
• Farmed salmon (as of 2014, the FDA is still considering comments about their conditional approval of salmon containing a growth hormone)

*Because corn has been engineered to produce its own insecticide as it grows, the Environmental Protection Agency now regulates corn as an insecticide.

While this list may look short, the byproducts of these crops result in a far longer shopping list. GMOs are used in thousands of processed foods, ranging from infant formula to bread, tofu, and tomato sauce. Meanwhile GM feed is widely fed to animals that produce milk, eggs and meat, which means GMOs are also getting into products like ice cream, mayonnaise, cheese, and veggie burgers (whey protein!). Even non-food items such as cosmetics, soaps, detergents, shampoo and bubble bath often contain GMO ingredients.

According to a 2005 estimate by the Grocery Manufacturers of America, 75% of all processed foods in the U.S. contain at least one genetically modified ingredient.

Why Worry About GMOs?

The most common argument in favor of GMOs is that “humans have been genetically engineering species for hundreds of years,” resulting in larger corn plants, dog breeds that serve unique purposes, seedless grapes, and the like. But this too is another misleading statement. What humans have been “doing for centuries” is called hybridization. Hybridization is NOT genetic engineering.

Genetic engineering involves the combination of two entirely unrelated species in a lab—species that could never cross or coexist in nature and thus require complex techniques to forcefully combine the genes.

The second most common argument in favor of GMOs is the biotech industry’s claims that the FDA has “thoroughly evaluated” GM foods and found them safe. This too is untrue.

For nearly two decades, NO studies have been performed on the human safety of GMO products — in fact the first research is only now emerging, and almost all of it is appearing only in countries outside of the U.S.

To date, no American scientist has investigated the levels of toxic residues in GMO foods.

There have been no studies to determine how much of the herbicides and pesticides that are genetically engineered into the crops remain inside the plant, once it reaches our dinner plate.

There have likewise been no studies to determine how much toxic residue is left over on crops which are heavily saturated with additional pesticides and herbicides during their growth, because they were genetically engineered to withstand it (kills all the weeds around them, while they remain alive).

No long-term testing has been performed to assess the impacts of any of these toxic substances — neither on human health nor on the environment.

Mice born to mothers who were fed GM soy were smaller (mouse on right) and had higher mortality rates than control group mice (mouse on left)

What then, has been studied?

To date, any studies done that relate to GMOs have been performed on animals, with consistent, documented effects of GMO toxicity, including immune dysregulation (asthma, allergy, and inflammation); accelerated aging; infertility; dysregulation of genes associated with cholesterol synthesis, insulin regulation, cell signaling, and protein formation; as well as altered structure and function in the liver, kidney, pancreas, spleen and gastrointestinal system, still birth, birth defects, and early death. Details on a few of these animal studies can be found here.

Meanwhile, related studies on Glyphosate (the key ingredient in Monsanto’s RoundUp; for which the majority of GMO crops have been engineered to withstand) have uncovered a whole host of toxic effects in humans, plants and soil. View one of the man study reports here; watch an easy-to-understand (and very informative) interview video with the scientist by clicking here. 

Why is there a lack of thorough evaluation?

Scientists who study genetically engineered crops are scorned if their research doesn’t promote GMOs in a positive light.

The leading scientific journal Science Direct published a study in 2011 showing significant conflict of interest in so-called “research” done on the health risks and nutritional assessment of genetically modified products.

In 2014, a comprehensive peer review of the Ag-Biotech industry’s so called ‘long term safety studies’ found them to be significantly inaccurate or flawed and no proof of safety.

Says Scientific American Magazine, “Agritech companies have given themselves veto power over the work of independent researchers.”

Key corporations responsible for genetic engineering are doing everything in their power to prevent unbiased research, while distributing mass media “greenwashing” (or providing donor support to public media sources such as NPR) to confuse Americans until they’re too frustrated to care what’s really going on.

Yet despite the lack of human studies, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have all determined that genetically modified food is “the same as, or substantially equivalent to, substances commonly found in food.”

Which means GMO foods are not required to undergo specific safety tests prior to entering the market. If the makers of the GM foods claim that they are safe, the FDA has no further questions.

(If they truly are “substantially the same,” why are these corporations  able to have them protected by intellectual property patents?)

In fact the FDA recently granted Monsanto the ability to conduct their own environmental impact studies. The 2012/2013 Farm Bill currently contains a rider that if passed as is, grants Monsanto complete immunity from FDA control over where and how they plant future GMO test crops.

If no less than 64 other countries in the world have laws in place to label, restrict, or outright ban GMO food and/or grains, why not the U.S.?  Norman Braksick, President of Monsanto subsidiary Asgrow Seed, explained it way back in 1994: “If you put a label on genetically engineered food, you might as well put a skull and crossbones on it.” (Source: Kansas City Star, March 7, 1994.)

What is the Current Status of GMOs?

•  GMOs are now present in the majority of processed foods consumed in the U.S. (unless they’re organic).

• US cancer rates are the 7th highest in the world, having skyrocketed during the same timeframe GMOs were introduced into our food.

•  “Superweeds” and pesticide-resistant insects are evolving out of control.

•  2-4,D (one of the two primary ingredients in Agent Orange) has been approved to kill superweeds, and soy has been genetically engineered to withstand it.

•  Natural crops are being infected through cross-pollination; some are developing a form of auto-immune dysfunction that causes plants to die before harvest.

•  Fish, wildlife and insects are being born with defects, infertility, or dying prematurely, either from direct exposure or consuming exposed prey.

•  Bees, which we rely upon to pollinate our crops, are dying at unprecedented rates… whether due to the increase in herbicides that came about during the rapid adoption of herbicide-resistant GMO crops, or colony collapse disorder, or a relationship between the two… no definitive cause has been determined.

•  Monarch butterflies are likewise dying at unprecedented rates as a direct result of the herbicides used in conjunction with GMO crops.

•  There’s been a massive increase in pesticide use from the time genetically engineered crops were introduced in 1996 through 2011. Click here to read the original study.

•  As pesticides gradually kill soil microorganisms, crops become reliant on fossil fuel fertilizers.

•  Millions of acres of soil and the natural aquifers underneath the soil are being saturated with toxins, due to the ever-increasing use of herbicides and pesticides to counteract resistant weeds and insects.

•  Coincidentally during the same two decades, our national health costs have tripled, while our overall national health has sunk lower than almost all the civilized countries in the world.

How do the Ag-Bio Corporations Respond to These Problems?

•  By creating “self-terminating” seeds, stronger herbicides, and deadlier pesticides.

•  By continuing to tell the world they are improving crop yield and nutrition to “Feed the World,” even though they continue to focus more than 90% of their efforts on herbicide and pesticide resistance.

•  By forcing organic companies to create 100 foot “no-farming” buffer zones around their fields, to prevent the GMO plants, seeds and pollens from invading.

•  By suing the farmers when cross-pollination does occur, accusing them of patent infringement and non-payment of licensing, royalty, and seed fees.

•  By suing any state that tries to pass GMO labeling requirements.

•  By blocking attempts at scientific research when it doesn’t present GMOs favorably.

•  By creating organizations to mislead farmers and consumers.

•  By lobbying the federal government to protect GM crops and prevent GM product labeling… to the tune of $1.4 million in just the first 3 months of 2011.

•  By focusing their current marketing efforts on third world countries with the promise of feeding their hungry.

•  By labeling any public outcry — whether scientist or consumer — as misinformed, progress-phobic, anti-science propaganda.

How Do You Know Who to Believe?

If you’re like us, you’re feeling pretty overwhelmed at this point. The more you read, the more you’re wondering how something like this could have gotten so far without your knowledge.

Please don’t take our word for it. Do your own research. Yes, you’ll find some muddy waters when you do. Wherever possible, we encourage you to do what we did: ask these three key questions (courtesy of the Label GMOs website):

    • Who is conducting the research and what is their relationship with the biotech industry?
    • Who is funding the research?  Who is their parent funder?  And theirs? And theirs?
    • Who monetarily benefits from the results of the research?

Last but not least, when you read information from the FDA and USDA, take the time to investigate the names behind the statements, and do a quick Wikipedia search on those individuals. You may (or may not) be surprised to learn how many of the people currently employed by the FDA were formerly employed by key corporations responsible for genetic engineering before they were “assigned” to work for the FDA.

Since this technology is comparatively new, and there is still no data on the long term effects of human consumption of GMOs, are you comfortable being part of an experiment?

Sadly, most US consumers have no idea about any of this.

It’s time to wake up and decide if the impact of GMO foods — on you, your family, and the environment — is a risk you’re willing to take.

Where Can You Learn More?

To view (or download if you wish) a PDF document containing an in-depth, evidence-based examination of the “Myths and Truths” about GMOs written by a noted geneticist, click here.

To keep abreast of breaking news, information and helpful recommendations about avoiding GMOs, consider “liking” our GMO Awareness Facebook page.

© 2011–2014. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to with appropriate and specific links back to the original content.

161 thoughts on “GMO Defined

  1. Pingback: GMO Defined: Why is our food being made and modified by the world’s largest pesticide manufacturer? | YOUR FOOD, YOUR HEALTH: Latest on BiotechAg, GMOs, Pesticides, Chemicals, CAFOs, BigAg |

  2. Pingback: GMO Defined | GMO Awareness |

  3. Pingback: 7 Foods to Avoid

  4. Pingback: What Happened to that Re-Write I Promised? | Donna and the DogsDonna and the Dogs

  5. Pingback: Vandana Shiva: ‘Seeds must be in the hands of farmers’ | Ishtarmuz's Blog

  6. Pingback: Environment and Conservation News | The latest news from the frontlines of Conservation and Environmental Activism

  7. It is beyond salvagable. As Gabriel told Constentine, “We’re f**ked!!” I’ve always kwown we’re nothing but microbes on a mudball in someone’s petri dish. Same thing!! . . . screwed!!!

  8. Pingback: Industry has become a fourth branch of government, and money a new religion | Ishtarmuz's Blog

  9. Pingback: Pesticide Lobby Spends Millions To Defend Chemicals Tied To Bee Deaths (and in our food supply) | Ishtarmuz's Blog

  10. Pingback: Why the Most Powerful Thing in the World is a Seed – And The Global Corporate Monopoly | Ishtarmuz's Blog

  11. Pingback: Think Those Chemicals In Your Food Have Been Tested? | Ishtarmuz's Blog

  12. Pingback: Tracking The Causes Of Massive Monarch Butterfly Decline – GMOs, Pesticides, Roundup | Ishtarmuz's Blog

  13. Pingback: The Next GMO Biotech Wave: Extreme Synthetic Genetics. The Implications, The Ethics | Ishtarmuz's Blog

  14. Pingback: The World According to Monsanto (FULL LENGTH) The Leader of the Biotech Cartel | Ishtarmuz's Blog

  15. Pingback: GMOs for Newbies | RealFoodGirl:Unmodified

  16. Pingback: BATTLE FOR THE BEES: Dying Bees Raise Alarm For Humans – Europe Bans Pesticide | Ishtarmuz's Blog

  17. Pingback: Think Those Chemicals AND Pesticides In Your Food Have Been Tested? | Ishtarmuz's Blog

  18. Pingback: U.S. GMO food labeling drive goes Global – May 25, 2013 | Ishtarmuz's Blog

  19. Pingback: Your Body Is A Corporate Test Tube: How You Became a Guinea Pig For the Chemical and BioTech Corporations | Ishtarmuz's Blog

  20. Pingback: The Power Of The Seed and The Global Corporate Monopoly in Seed Patents | Ishtarmuz's Blog

  21. Is there a list of specific foods that cobtain GMOs? This article was very broad to state processed foods and crops with pesticides.

  22. Pingback: 10 Things You Need To Know About GMOs - Broke But Bougie

  23. Pingback: Monsanto’s Dirty Dozen | GMO Awareness

  24. Pingback: Are You Sick of Hearing About Monsanto? | Coupland Times

  25. Pingback: GMO – Yes or No? - F.I.T. 4-Life

  26. Pingback: USDA approves new ‘Non-GMO’ label for meat, liquid egg products « The EssentiaList

  27. Pingback: The ABCs of GMOs | Ware It's Made From Scratch™

  28. Pingback: Monsanto’s Dirty Dozen «

  29. Pingback: Organic food – What is an ‘organic’ label really worth? | O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

  30. Pingback: What Is A GMO Anyway? - GoFitMom

  31. Pingback: The World According to Monsanto (FULL LENGTH) The Leader of the Biotech, Chemical, Ag Cartel | MARKETING BYTES Blog & WebsiteMARKETING BYTES Blog & Website

  32. Pingback: This Week In Organics: 07th March | This Is Organics

  33. Pingback: GMO Defined | Genetically Modified Murder - Death by Food

  34. Pingback: Nueva investigación revela el patrón respiratorio de los fumadores | Salud Natural

  35. Pingback: Genetically Modified Organisms - Our Food | Allergies & Your Gut

  36. Pingback: The Dish on Farmers Markets | Beyond the Clothing

  37. Pingback: New study links autism to pesticide exposure – study | Destroy The Order

  38. Pingback: GMO's For Dummies. | Miss GM NO!

  39. Pingback: B4BC / Boarding For Breast Cancer / Be Healthy. Get Active. Ride! » PAUSE 4 PREVENTION // Be GMO Free!

  40. Pingback: Oh Boy – More SOY! | Savor the Home

  41. Pingback: Don’t be fooled… GMO’s are dangerous and deadly! | Alternative Truth

  42. Pingback: is eating local, organic and GMO-free just a trend? | Eat Plants Be Sexy Holistic Health Blog | Brandi Wagner, RHN

  43. Pingback: Be GMO Free! | Chasing Sunshine

  44. Pingback: GMO's - What are they? - One Dog Organic Bakery LLC

  45. Pingback: Beyond Resolved: A Public Forum Debate Manual for Debaters and Coaches | November 2014: Getting into GM Food

  46. Pingback: Produits Monsanto: les 12 pires produits à éviter absolument

  47. Pingback: Hawaii's Fight Against GMOs - Maui Goodness | Maui Goodness

  48. Pingback: GMO Defined | Educated Eating |

  49. I’m a vegan and very interested to learn more about the process of inserting animal genes into plants. Where can I find some articles on this process?

    • Foreign DNA is inserted into the primary plant species using one of three methods:

      1) E.coli bacteria is combined with a soil bacteria that causes tumors that allows the foreign bacteria to breach the host plant’s cells.
      2) Electricity is applied to the host plant to rupture its cell walls, thus allowing the foreign DNA to invade; or
      3) A “gene gun” blasts the engineered DNA directly into the plant’s cells.

      Google “process genetic engineering” to find documentation from the companies doing the processes.

  50. well honestly i believed that GMO foods should be banned because of many reasons. Genetically Modified Organisms are plants or animals created through the gene techniques of biotechnology (also called genetic engineering, or GE). This experimental technology merges DNA from different species, creating unstable combinations of plant, animal, bacterial and viral genes that cannot occur in nature or in traditional crossbreeding. Genetic engineering involves the combination of two unrelated species that. Genes are constantly being injected from one thing to another to create something that people call “better.”

    One reason why i believe that GMO should be banned is because of allergic reactions. Most items that contain GMO have unknown ingredients that are not mentioned. Those ingredients may be include one or more ingredient that someone is allergic to. To be more specific, let’s say you are officially allergic to fish and you eat a strawberry. You don’t know if that strawberry has a gene of a fish. We don’t think about it when we eat it. It’s either we like it or not. However,based on the website strawberries cont genes of a fish to protect the fruit from freezing. While you eat the strawberries you think everything thing is fine until you get an allergic reaction. Most people then believe they are allergic to the strawberry but its actually the specific gene that was injected into it that made this a very serious situation. GMO cause deaths and very serious illnesses. Other foods like salmon are genetically engineered with growth hormone which allows them to keep growing larger and larger. Also rice is injected with human genes to produce pharmaceuticals. Also known as a compound manufactured for use as a medicinal drug. Also, goats injected with spider genes to produce milk with stronger proteins.

    Another reason why i think Gmo should be banned is because of cross-pollination. Cross-pollination is the transfer of pollen from the anther of a flower of one plant to the stigma of the flower of another plant of the same species. It is also a concern about genetically modified crops.

    • Then they sue the farmers whose crops were poisoned by their trash seeds. Why should the farmers have to build a wall, and waste land for a boundry from their sorry product? That is so backwards! We-America look like fools compared with europe and all the other many countries, who have banned the poison crap these companies produce.

  51. Pingback: Ingredients: GMOs 101 | Teach Eat Love

  52. Pingback: GMOs: Canola Oil | Teach Eat Love

  53. Pingback: Ingredients – Chipotle Edition – UPDATED | Teach Eat Love

  54. Pingback: Genetically Edited Organisms | Biology Assignment by Mariya

  55. I was told that there’s a way to visually identify gmo soybean from non-gmo one. non-gmo Hilum is white or yellow and not black. But I can’t find any info through Google. Is it true that you can visually identify non-gmo soybean by just looking at its Hilum color?

    Thanks for your comment.

  56. Pingback: GMOs: Everything You Need To Know – The Clean Eating Chick

  57. There are some long-term studies done in Russia, Ital, Egypt (or nearby to there) and in a South American country. The studies were done in the 1990’s – 2000. I got to read them while they were available. Their results were all alike although done independent of each other. The two things that happened was liver and kidney damage with accompanying tumors. Then in the 3rd generation there was always severe mutation of the offspring and sterility. They said that 3 generations was all the further the experiments could be taken because of the sterility factor.
    These sites became inaccessible several years ago. It was during the time period when reports were surfacing that scientific studies on long-term GMO effects were finding their research documents burned and lying on their desks when they would arrive for work in the morning. Shades of “The Godfather”.
    This was also the time when it was reported that grants for long-term research on GMO’s were being pulled back and no longer being made available through universities.
    Let’s not let these incidents fade from memory just because an attempt was made to expunge the evidence of them from existence.

  58. Pingback: » Why I Love ‘Just Mayo’, A Delicious Non-GMO Mayonnaise

  59. Pingback: GMOs social implication. | hpulido13

  60. Pingback: What You Should Know About GMOs | HealthyLittleHumans

  61. Chandra Mouleeswaran.MK
    Dear GMO Awarness,

    Thank You very much for your great effort in creating awareness among masses on the Genocidal Ill effects of the Satan,Monsanto.
    Myself and my assistants and mentors formed Auztra Famauz way back in 1986. This is based on the motto of educating BOTH the consumers and producers on the benefits of traditional organic farming and the ill effects of the HiTech Chemical Farming.
    Myself and all of Auztra Famauz congratulate you heartily for your unselfish crusade against the Mostersanto.
    We in our hereditary farmlands stubbornly stood against the use of all sorts of chemicals, for more than three decades, while all others were eagerly and virtually “pouring” herbicides and insecticides on the soil. These hapless farmers were following the political “Monsanto-funded idiots” who advocated “Green Revolution”, ” White Revolution” and all other colorful revolutions to fool the farmers into “more yield and more profit” lure. Now, the tide is turning in our favor as we have finally obtained all certification on our truly Virgin soil and ground water.

    We consider and believe that the “GM” and its expansion “Genetically Modified” are misnomers. Its because, in research, the modifications done can be stopped and at times reversed altogether if found wrong. But the ill-researches conducted by the Monstersanto are actually “Mutations” that cannot be reversed. It is similar to the aftermath following a Nuclear Blast. The mutations caused by the spewing radiations from the blast are irreversibly permanent. This misnomer itself is a ploy devised by the so called “supporters”, to confuse the general public into believing that these mutations are just modifications just like those occur in nature.
    Even in our India, the “well educated and experienced Scientists”, falling in line with the political bosses, loudly proclaim that the farmers have been following these modifications in the form of cross breeding and selective breeding and hybridization!
    The Monstersanto fed Genetics Mutation Research Scientists are all heartless morons, who, just to materialize their personal greed into reality, can go as long as to test their hypothesis even on their own daughters. They do their best to copy the Creator and rave to wield the magic wand of Creation.
    We, irrespective of global location, language, nation or religion, must do unite and resist these Morons.
    Thank You very much once again.
    Chandra Mouleeswaran.MK

  62. Chandra Mouleeswaran.MK
    Dear GMO Awaerness,

    In India too, the Monstersanto “very generously” decided to waiver the Brand and Research Source Intellectual Royalty (amounting to Millions of USD) on a rare breed Papaya variety research and distribution to farmers. The research was shelved half baked owing to undisclosed reasons. The preludes and forecasts boasted of that rarest of the rare Papaya variety, that it can withstand Ring Rot Virus and ripe after a “pretty long storage span”
    Chandra Mouleeswaran.MK

  63. Pingback: The Connection Part One: Agriculture | SurviveinCare

  64. Pingback: GMO Defined | GMO Awareness | Governmental deception

  65. Pingback: The Best Turkey Chili Recipe - Canadian Budget Binder

  66. I hope more people will begin speaking up against GMOs. Electrodermal testing reveals that every single person has an intolerance to GMO foods but do not realize. Symptoms are delayed, sometimes 2-3 days and symptoms vary from person to person. Not natural, and independent research shows the harm these foods cause on rats within 3 months — cancer, tumorous growths, organ failure. Damn Monsanto, Dow and all of the other manufacturers of GMOs. In India, every 30 mins a farmer commits suicide due to Monsanto’s GMO crops, cotton, corn etc. What do I mean? Unforseen quadrupiled expenses of GMO production and the reduction of yield and quality – which is completely opposite to the claims Monsanto makes: higher yield. The country is already third world. Very tragic. Please watch the documentary titled Seeds of Death to learn more about the dangers of GMO foods and why Europe, Britain and Russia have banned GMO foods altogether. I hate North America – the FDA is horrible. U.S. is the worst. Biggest producers of GMOs as well.

  67. Pingback: Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) | WHOKED

  68. I would like to congratulate you for putting together this website. It has an excellent amount of information on GMOs and raising awareness on the subject.

  69. Pingback: Top 10 Genetically Modified Foods - One Dog Organic Bakery LLC

  70. Pingback: Let’s Talk GMOs | R'Oil Living

  71. Pingback: GMOs for Dingbats and Dimwits | Real Food Girl

  72. Pingback: Chapter 5: Why Not the United States? | sandrahabib

  73. Pingback: Do You Actually Know What You’re Talking About When You Say ‘GMO’? | Don Freeman

  74. Pingback: Do You Actually Know What You’re Talking About When You Say ‘GMO’? | prous1984

  75. Pingback: Categorical: GMO assault on health, environment, and economy - Ascendant Health

  76. It is critical that people start to make the connection between inflammatory bowel dseases like Crohns, Colitis and Ulcerative Colitis ad GMO’s. Ontario Canada has the highest rates of IBD (particularly pediatric IBD) in world and interestingly enough, these rates began to spike at around 5 years after the introduction of GMO crops. Additionally, anaphylactic shock cases has spike in the past decade. There are anecdotal accounts of people with Crohns disease whose symptoms disappear after they remove GMO’s from their diets. The following link has some interesting information regarding this:

    Click to access NancySwanson.pdf

  77. Pingback: CONSUMED - a Thriller Movie about GMO Foods - Allergies & Your Gut

  78. Pingback: The GMO problem | journalawesomeblog

  79. Pingback: My opinion on Genetically Modified Organisms: “You should be worried about the future generation of your food” | haley parent

  80. Very interesting information regarding GMO FOOD PRODUCTION. Everyone has to be careful and watch the labels. The cancer rates are very HIGH in Canada and the government is not doing much.

  81. Pingback: My reply to the "Opinion" From December 30, 2015 or "pot Should Stay Illegal In Kentucky"… | U.S. Marijuana Party of Kentucky

  82. Pingback: My reply to the "Opinion" From December 30, 2015 or "pot Should Stay Illegal In Kentucky"… | U.S. Marijuana Party

  83. Pingback: My reply to the "Opinion" From December 30, 2015 or "pot Should Stay Illegal In Kentucky"… | U.S. Marijuana Party – States Issues

  84. Pingback: My reply to the "Opinion" From December 30, 2015 or "pot Should Stay Illegal In Kentucky"… | When Government Fails In Kentucky

  85. Pingback: Oh Boy – NO SOY! – Savor the Home

  86. Pingback: 20 Of The Worst GMO Foods And Ingredients To Avoid | Growth Beauty

  87. How is an organism, modified or not, not organic? If it has become inorganic how do we grow it?

    • Organic, in this case, does not mean the organism itself, but how the organism is raised. The organism or seed in this case, can be raised under organic conditions or with chemical substances. Organic conditions means that chemical pesticides and/or herbicides are not used. It also means that chemical based fertilizers are not used to raise the seed. With that being said, if an organism (seed) is modified to have the chemical from RoundUp in the seed, then it cannot (by definition) be considered organic since it has a chemical makeup regardless of what the conditions are while raising it. It has been pre-conditioned with chemicals and therefore the term ‘organically raised’ does not apply. Hope that helps.

  88. Pingback: 20 Of The Worst GMO Foods And Ingredients To Avoid ~ Sophlix

  89. I must admit that I have been shocked by the knowledge in your research . I have realized that its the third world countries that are being affected most by greedy manufacturers and marketers of this deadly crops, but how do we help to make awarness to most farmers knowing very well that most countries in Africa depend economically entirely on agriculture . not forgetting the possibility of having illiterate large scale farmers .

  90. Pingback: Do you have a leaky gut? - The Health Nut Mama

  91. Pingback: ¿Qué es un OMG u OGM? – Salud es Vida

  92. Pingback: Monsanto’s Dirty Dozen. Twelve Products that Monsanto has Brought to Market | NO LIES RADIO

  93. I read that this is also-ran in other products like soap and stuff… does that also mean oil based stuff like corn oil or mabey plastic materials like in shirts? Just seeing how far out of the food it might go…

  94. Pingback: Undersatnding "Non-GMO" (Getting Healthy Series) - Dr. Hazel Gois

  95. Pingback: I bought a GMO tomato at my local farmers market (I thought they were banned)! – Warrior Food Girl

  96. Pingback: Food allergies and GMO’s | ENVS 3525-002 Sustainable Food Systems

  97. Pingback: GMO’s… What are they? | What is in my ingredients?

  98. Pingback: contemporary diet and nutrition (resources guide) Unit 6 – gg's keeping health & wellness simple

  99. Pingback: GMOs: Are they good or bad for us? – Nonfiction Forms Fall 2016:

  100. Pingback: Lista de Alimentos Transgênicos: 20 Piores para Evitar Agora

  101. Pingback: 2017 #piegoals | Livin' the Life in LA

  102. Food for thought. The inset is from your article. The writer stated that “humans have been genetically engineer…..resulting in larger corn plants”…?…which is obviously a typo but definitely has the power to discredit the well written article. [The most common argument in favor of GMOs is that “humans have been genetically engineering species for hundreds of years,” resulting in larger corn plants, dog breeds that serve unique purposes, seedless grapes, and the like. But this too is another misleading statement. What humans have been “doing for centuries” is called hybridization. Hybridization is NOT genetic engineering.]

    • Help us understand your point please. Our premise is that the most common argument “humans genetically engineering” is another misleading statement. We explain that what humans have been doing (to result in larger corn plans, dog breeds, seedless grapes) is hybridization. If you’re finding the wording difficult, you’re the first to do so in all these years, but we could certainly look at rewording it…

  103. Pingback: Alimentos Transgênicos: Lista com os 20 Piores – Dicas de Alimentação do Jorge

  104. Pingback: Organic and Non-GMO = What does it all mean? – Strong Planner

  105. Pingback: I Tweet Therefore I Am | Sting in the Tail

  106. Thank you for this article. Very detailed. So many people do not get it and it is hard to explain, so glad to share this.

  107. Is this why kids are developing quicker and looking older is this a bad thing is it natural i just want to be natural

  108. Pingback: What are GM and GMO? - Try For Good

  109. Pingback: BLIJF WEG van SOJA! – Leef compleet

  110. Pingback: GMO Foods vs. Natural Foods – Hazel and Nuts

  111. Pingback: Monsanto’s Dirty Dozen. Twelve Products that Monsanto has Brought to Market By GMO Awareness Global Research, July 25, 2016 GMO Awareness 12 May 2011 – Site Title

  112. Pingback: Biology: what is GMO? – Oracle Tutoring (by Jack and Diane), Campbell River, BC (250) 830-0295 or text (250) 203-6544

  113. What a crock of shit! FDA has tested anything. Not drugs, not playing God with food and making food that dies not provide adequate nutrients and contains carcinogens…dycital in bread causes cancer.

    MONSANTO needs to be shut down and MD farmer’s not happy.

  114. Pingback: Your Body Is A Corporate Test Tube: How You Became a Guinea Pig For the Chemical and BioTech Corporations | dcook4real

  115. Pingback: What are GMOs? - No Gluten

  116. Pingback: GMOs are not needed in the Asia-Pacific Region - PANAP

  117. Pingback: My Story about Food – dongmin's blog

  118. Pingback: Secret Ingredients – Gardening4Joy

  119. Genetic Engineering is a set of technologies used to change the genetic makeup of cells, including the transfer of genes within and across species boundaries to produce improved or novel organisms. It will help to cure many genetic issues in future. Thank you for all these wonderful and informative blog. This will be very helpful for my research studies for Clinical research fellowship. This is very beneficial for me. Thank you once again. Keep sharing such informative blogs.

  120. Pingback: 9 Health Benefits of Eating Organic Food – happiivue

  121. Pingback: Revenge strategy: Wasting the power of your hate on the guiltless (XXXVI): GMOs impact on the environment. – Eleonora Escalante Strategy Strategic Corporate Advisory

  122. Pingback: GMOs are not needed in the Asia-Pacific Region – Pesticide Action Network Asia Pacific

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