10 Ways to Make GMO-Free Organic Food Affordable

Yes, Affordable Organic Food is Possible…

10 ways organic affordable

If you’ve decided to “take the GMO-free plunge” for yourself or your family, the first difference you’re going to notice is the cost: organic food almost always costs more than conventional food. How can individuals and families make organic, GMO-free food more affordable?

Here are 10 helpful ideas to make “going organic / GMO-free” a little easier on your pocketbook…

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Washington Post Circular on the Organic Movement

Non GMO Right to Know

Talk about some awesome awareness… today’s Washington Post included a special circular dedicated to The Organic Movement. The center spread of the circular features the above outstanding article by the Non-GMO Project’s Executive Director Megan Westgate (click on the image to view it, click it a second time to make it larger for reading).

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Non-GMO Product Spotlight – Nature’s Path

Natures-PathOne month ago, we decided to start posting regular articles that spotlight organic, GMO-free product manufacturers—with a focus on those that are backed by a healthy dose of integrity, sustainability, and overall do-good-for-the-community. Our first spotlight of outstanding Non-GMO brands was Annie’s Homegrown / Annie’s Naturals. This month, we’d like to spotlight…

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5 Steps to Becoming GMO Free

5 steps being GMO free

Think going GMO-free is tough? Think again.

Here are five steps you can take at your own pace, as time, budget and energy allows:

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Is Organic Always GMO Free?

Organic is Usually GMO Free

Buying 100% Organic, certified Organic, and USDA Organic-labeled products is usually the easiest way to identify and avoid genetically modified ingredients.

The United States and Canadian governments do NOT allow companies to label products “100% / Certified Organic” if they contain genetically modified foods.

To put it in more detail:

100% Organic: Must contain 100 percent organically produced ingredients (excluding water and salt). This is the only label that certifies a completely organic product AND completely GMO-free ingredients.

Certified Organic / USDA Organic: At least 95 percent of content is organic by weight (excluding water and salt). The <5% remaining ingredients must consist of substances approved on the USDA’s National List. GMOs are NOT on this list, so USDA Organic products are also usually GMO-free. For verification, consult the following sources:

Made with Organic: Up to 70% of the ingredients are organic. These products can NOT carry a “USDA organic” label, however their “remaining non-organic ingredients are produced without prohibited practices, including genetic engineering.”

But lately, even organic products are at risk….

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