Peer Review of GMO Safety Studies Finds Significant Flaws

Studies significantly inadequate or flawed

BREAKING NEWS: a new peer reviewed study of the Ag-Biotech industry’s so called ‘long term safety studies’ has found them to be “significantly inaccurate or flawed” and lacking in proof of safety.

And these are just short-term animal feeding studies… because nearly two decades after genetic engineered ingredients have been present in the majority of processed foods found in your grocery store, NO long term human health studies have ever been performed.

Why is no research being done on the potential human health risks of GMOs? The ag-bio companies won’t let it happen.

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The Future Is Organic – But It’s More Than Organic!

Seeds in hand

In 2010, Dr. E. Ann Clark, a retired Associate Professor from the University of Guelph‘s Plant Agriculture Department in Ontario, Canada, wrote the following paper demonstrating the logic behind organic agriculture as the best choice in a post-oil future.

Think about it: the current agri-food system was designed around the use of fossil fuels—to bring seeds and fertilizers to the farm, to prepare the soil, to seed, fertilize, harvest and deliver the raw crop to central distribution points, to transport the crop to processors / manufacturers, and then to transport the processed food or grain back to grocery stores and end users.

Can this reliance on oil at every step of the agricultural process remain sustainable long-term?

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Salt Sugar Fat – How the Food Giants Hooked Us

Michael Moss Salt Sugar Fat

Food companies understand that salt, sugar and fat “are their holy grail.”
By Morgan Korn on Yahoo’s Daily Ticker

According to Michael Moss, the Pulitzer prizing-winning reporter and author of the new book Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us, executives at the major food behemoths – Kraft, General Mills and Nestle – have known for years that the sugar, salt and fat added to their cereals, soups, tomato sauces and hundreds of other food products have put millions of individuals’ health at risk…

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Washington Post Circular on the Organic Movement

Non GMO Right to Know

Talk about some awesome awareness… today’s Washington Post included a special circular dedicated to The Organic Movement. The center spread of the circular features the above outstanding article by the Non-GMO Project’s Executive Director Megan Westgate (click on the image to view it, click it a second time to make it larger for reading).

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Non-GMO Product Spotlight – Nature’s Path

Natures-PathOne month ago, we decided to start posting regular articles that spotlight organic, GMO-free product manufacturers—with a focus on those that are backed by a healthy dose of integrity, sustainability, and overall do-good-for-the-community. Our first spotlight of outstanding Non-GMO brands was Annie’s Homegrown / Annie’s Naturals. This month, we’d like to spotlight…

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5 Steps to Becoming GMO Free

5 steps being GMO free

Think going GMO-free is tough? Think again.

Here are five steps you can take at your own pace, as time, budget and energy allows:

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Non-GMO Product Spotlight – Annie’s Homegrown

Annies LogoGMO websites are never lacking in lists of products to avoid when you’re trying to eat GMO-free. Yes, we’ve got lists like that too (“Corporate Owned Organics” being one of our most popular), but we’d like to take a more positive approach in helping you fill your shopping cart.

Starting this month, we’re going to post regular articles that spotlight organic, GMO-free product manufacturers—with a focus on those that are backed by a healthy dose of integrity, sustainability, and overall do-good-for-the-community.

First up in our spotlight of outstanding Non-GMO brands is… (drum roll please)…

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The War Against GMO Labeling

On November 7 2012, Californians had a chance to vote on a law that would require labeling of all Genetically Modified (“GMO”) ingredients found in the processed foods sold in their state. The proposition also included a ban on the use of the word “natural” when it’s used to describe foods that contain GMO ingredients (a common approach used by many processed food manufacturers).

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Why We Need GMO Labeling (and how to get it)

America: land of inalienable rights.

Except for your right to choose the most healthy food.

Sure, you can waltz into your local grocery store and buy organic lettuce. It’s easy because you can see the difference: it’s labeled “organic.”

Unfortunately, GMOs are not labeled. Which means you have no idea if you’re choosing food with genetically modified ingredients.

And believe me, you are. About 70% of the time.

If something is that prevalent in our food, why isn’t it on the label?

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Monsanto’s Dirty Dozen

When you take a moment to reflect on the history of product development at Monsanto, what do you find? Here are twelve products that Monsanto has brought to market. See if you can spot the pattern…

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